Registration forms
All those coming to the 做厙輦⑹ must register in advance. It is the PIs responsibility to send this link to whomever is invited to work in the PIs lab. Please click here to register.

做厙輦⑹ account number
All registration forms must include an 做厙輦⑹ account number for lab space and/or housing. To get an account number follow the instructions here. This number can be used to purchase services and supplies once you arrive on campus.

Lab fees
Lab fees can be found here. After lab assignments have been made, a pre-billing statement is sent to each PI for confirmation and return. Then an invoice requesting payment is sent, which must be paid in full before arrival. Address questions about billing to

Housing reservations are made through the registration forms found here. For further information and details of the accommodations, please visit the housing website here.

做厙輦⑹ card
The 做厙輦⑹ card serves as your photo ID badge, name tag, Library card, stock room purchasing card, and meal card and provides access to 做厙輦⑹ services and buildings after hours. Cards are printed and issued at the processing office in Swope 101A. Please bring a drivers license or a photo-ID when picking up your access card. Your access card has a wide magnetic strip that must be swiped through card readers at designated 做厙輦⑹ doors for after-hours access to facilities including laboratories, the Library, and the Lillie elevator. Each card is individually programmed to provide access to specific services/buildings (dependent upon your affiliation).  If you have questions about your card access, contact or call 508-289-7173 during business hours.

Parking permits
做厙輦⑹ parking permits for Whitman Center Researchers are RED, which allows parking at the individual cottages or at the Devils Lane off-campus parking lot. Those with RED parking permits are allowed to park in campus lots only from 5 PM 7 AM, Monday-Friday, and on weekends and holidays. The 做厙輦⑹ provides a seasonal shuttle service to the cottages and Devils Lane parking lot, for more information on the shuttle please see the 做厙輦⑹ Shuttle Service page.

For further information about parking, please visit this page.